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Essen Stroke Risk Score (ESRS)

Age Range
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Age Range
<65 years
65~75 years
>75 years

Result Interpretation

This scale was developed based on data from the Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischaemic Events (CAPRIE) trial for stroke patients.

ESRS can predict the risk of recurrent stroke or composite cardiovascular events in stable or acute patients.

0~2 points indicate a low annual risk of stroke recurrence;

3~6 points indicate a high risk, with an annual stroke recurrence risk of about 7~9%;

More than 6 points indicate a very high risk, with an annual stroke recurrence risk of 11%.

High-risk patients with ESRS ≥3 should be given clopidogrel for enhanced secondary prevention antiplatelet therapy.
