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Modified Ellis Classification for Tibial Fractures

Fracture Characteristics Mild Moderate Severe
Displacement 0%~50% (Diameter) 51%~100% 100%
Comminution None or slight None or 1 butterfly fragment 2 or more fragments or segments
Soft Tissue Injury Open Grade I (Gustilo)

Closed Grade 0 (Tscheme)*
Open Grade II

Closed Grade I
Open Grade III~V

Closed Grade II~III
Force Low Medium High energy, crush
Fracture Morphology Spiral Transverse, oblique Transverse, multi-fragmented


*Tscheme Closed Injury Classification:

0: No or only insignificant soft tissue injury; mild damage, often due to indirect mechanical injury, such as pathological fractures;

Grade I: Abrasion of the epidermis or piercing from fracture ends; mild or moderate damage, such as an unreduced spiral tibial fracture.

Grade II: Contaminated deep injury, localized skin and muscle bruising caused by direct force; may accompany compartment syndrome, commonly seen in moderate to severe direct trauma, such as a car bumper injury.

Grade III: Extensive skin lacerations, crush injuries, or muscle group destruction, with significant compartment syndrome or injury to a major artery; classified as severe damage. Bone comminution.
