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Modified Ashworth Scale for Muscle Spasticity Assessment

Grade Assessment Criteria
Grade 0 No increase in muscle tone; no resistance throughout the range of passive movement in the affected limb.
Grade 1 Slight increase in muscle tone; resistance occurs at the end of passive joint movement, which then disappears or is minimal.
Grade 1+ Mild increase in muscle tone; resistance or catching occurs halfway through passive joint movement, with a slight resistance maintained throughout.
Grade 2 Moderate increase in muscle tone; during passive joint movement, there is increased muscle tone throughout most of the range, but the affected joint can still be moved easily.
Grade 3 Significant increase in muscle tone; there is difficulty throughout the entire range of passive joint movement.
Grade 4 Severe increase in muscle tone; the joint is rigid and cannot be moved.


After central nervous system damage, muscle spasms often occur. Spasticity is a dysfunction of the sensory-motor system characterized by velocity-dependent increased muscle tone and hyperactive tendon reflexes, resulting from increased muscle stretch reflexes. Spasticity is an important "positive" sign of upper motor neuron syndrome, which can limit patient mobility and lead to functional impairment. The modified Ashworth scale is commonly used to assess muscle spasticity.
