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Methods for Testing Skeletal Muscle Strength

Muscle Spinal Segment Nerve Function Test Method
Supraspinatus C5-6 Suprascapular Nerve Arm Abduction Abduct the arm from a vertical position, examiner applies resistance
Infraspinatus C5-6 Suprascapular Nerve Arm External Rotation Arm vertical, elbow flexed at 90°, arm externally rotated with force, examiner pushes the patient's forearm inward
Serratus Anterior C5-7 Long Thoracic Nerve Scapular Abduction and Forward Movement Extend arm forward, examiner applies resistance, paralyzed side scapula leaves chest wall forming winged scapula
Latissimus Dorsi C6-8 Thoracodorsal Nerve Arm Adduction, Extension, and Internal Rotation Forcefully lower the arm from a horizontal abduction position, examiner applies resistance
Pectoralis Major C5~T1 Medial and Lateral Pectoral Nerves Arm Adduction, Flexion, and Internal Rotation Maintain arm extended forward, examiner pushes arm outward
Deltoid C5-6 Axillary Nerve Arm Abduction Maintain arm in horizontal abduction, examiner pushes patient's elbow downward
Biceps Brachii C5-6 Musculocutaneous Nerve Forearm Flexion and Supination Maintain elbow flexion, forearm supination, examiner extends it
Triceps Brachii C7-8 Radial Nerve Forearm Extension Maintain elbow extension, examiner flexes it
Pronator Teres C6-7 Median Nerve Forearm Pronation Elbow semi-flexed, forearm pronated, examiner applies resistance
Wrist Extensors C6-8 Radial Nerve Wrist Extension Maintain wrist dorsiflexion, examiner presses down on the back of the hand
Extensor Digitorum C6-8 Radial Nerve Extension of MCP Joints of Index to Little Finger Forearm pronated, maintain finger extension, examiner presses down on proximal phalanges
Extensor Pollicis Longus C7-8 Radial Nerve Extension of Distal Phalanx of Thumb Extend distal phalanx of thumb, examiner applies resistance
Extensor Pollicis Brevis C7-8 Radial Nerve Extension of Proximal Phalanx of Thumb Extend proximal phalanx of thumb, examiner applies resistance
Abductor Pollicis Longus C7-8 Radial Nerve Thumb Abduction Abduct thumb, examiner applies resistance on the first metacarpal
Abductor Pollicis Brevis C8~T1 Median Nerve Thumb Abduction Perpendicular to Palm Patient performs this action, examiner applies resistance on the first metacarpal
Flexor Carpi Radialis C6-7 Median Nerve Wrist Flexion and Abduction Maintain wrist flexion, examiner applies resistance on the radial side of the palm
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris C7~T1 Ulnar Nerve Wrist Flexion and Adduction Maintain wrist flexion, examiner applies resistance on the ulnar side of the palm
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis C7~T1 Median Nerve Flexion of PIP Joints of Index to Little Finger Flex middle phalanges, examiner applies resistance
Flexor Digitorum Profundus C7~T1 Median Nerve (Index and Middle Fingers), Ulnar Nerve (Ring and Little Fingers) Flexion of DIP Joints Flex distal phalanges, examiner applies resistance
Flexor Pollicis Longus C7~T1 Median Nerve Flexion of Distal Phalanx of Thumb Flex distal phalanx of thumb, examiner applies resistance
Flexor Pollicis Brevis C8~T1 Median and Ulnar Nerves Flexion of Proximal Phalanx of Thumb Flex proximal phalanx of thumb, examiner applies resistance
Opponens Pollicis C8~T1 Median Nerve Rotation of First Metacarpal Extend interphalangeal joints, press distal phalanx of thumb and ring finger together, examiner separates them
Lumbricals C7~T1 Median Nerve (Index and Middle Fingers), Ulnar Nerve (Ring and Little Fingers) Extension of Interphalangeal Joints Extend proximal interphalangeal joints, examiner applies resistance
Dorsal Interossei C8~T1 Ulnar Nerve Finger Abduction (excluding thumb and little finger) Spread extended fingers, examiner brings middle three fingers together
Palmar Interossei C8~T1 Ulnar Nerve Finger Adduction (excluding thumb) Hold a piece of paper between extended fingers, examiner tries to pull it out
Abductor Digiti Minimi C8~T1 Ulnar Nerve Little Finger Abduction Abduct extended little finger, examiner applies resistance
Iliopsoas L1-3 Lumbar Plexus, Femoral Nerve Hip Flexion Supine, knee flexed, maintain hip flexion, examiner pushes thigh towards foot
Quadriceps L2-4 Femoral Nerve Knee Extension Supine, knee extended, examiner flexes it
Adductor Group L2-5 Obturator Nerve, Sciatic Nerve Thigh Adduction Supine, legs extended, knees together, examiner separates them
Gluteus Medius and Minimus L4~S1 Superior Gluteal Nerve Thigh Abduction and Internal Rotation Supine, legs extended, separate knees, examiner brings them together
Gluteus Maximus L5~S2 Inferior Gluteal Nerve Hip Extension Prone, legs extended, lift leg, examiner applies resistance
Tibialis Anterior L4-5 Deep Peroneal Nerve Ankle Dorsiflexion Maintain ankle dorsiflexion, examiner presses down on dorsum of foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus L4~S1 Deep Peroneal Nerve Extension of Great Toe and Ankle Dorsiflexion Fix foot in neutral position, extend great toe, examiner applies resistance
Extensor Digitorum Longus L4~S1 Deep Peroneal Nerve Extension of Toes and Ankle Dorsiflexion Fix foot in neutral position, extend toes, examiner applies resistance
Gastrocnemius and Soleus L5~S2 Tibial Nerve Ankle Plantarflexion Knee extended, ankle plantarflexed, examiner applies resistance
Flexor Hallucis Longus L5~S2 Tibial Nerve Plantarflexion of Great Toe Fix foot in neutral position, plantarflex great toe, examiner applies resistance on distal phalanx
Flexor Digitorum Longus L5~S2 Tibial Nerve Plantarflexion of Toes Fix foot in neutral position, plantarflex toes, examiner applies resistance
Tibialis Posterior L5~S1 Tibial Nerve Foot Inversion Foot plantarflexed, invert foot, examiner applies resistance on medial side of foot
Peroneal Muscles L4~S1 Peroneal Nerve Foot Eversion Foot plantarflexed, evert foot, examiner applies resistance on lateral side of foot
Biceps Femoris L4~S2 Tibial Nerve Knee Flexion Prone, maintain knee flexion, examiner pushes lower leg towards foot


Testing the strength of each muscle requires assessing the strength of specific movements. Not every patient needs to test all muscles and strengths; focus on key tests based on the condition.
