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Clinical Neurological Function Deficit Score for Chinese Stroke Patients

I. Consciousness (Maximum Stimulation, Best Response)
1. Questions: ① Age; ②: What month is it now? A difference of 2 years or 1 month is considered correct
Please select
Questions: ① Age; ②: What month is it now? A difference of 2 years or 1 month is considered correct
Both correct
One correct
2. Two commands: Make a fist, Extend palm, Open eyes, Close eyes (can demonstrate)
Please select
Two commands: Make a fist, Extend palm, Open eyes, Close eyes (can demonstrate)
Both completed
One completed
Neither completed, proceed to the following check
3. Strong local stimulation of the healthy limb
Please select
Strong local stimulation of the healthy limb
Directional avoidance
Directional limb withdrawal
Limb extension
No response
II. Horizontal Gaze Function
Please select
Horizontal Gaze Function
Limited lateral gaze function
Lateral gaze of the eyeball
III. Facial Paralysis
Please select
Facial Paralysis
Mild paralysis, can move
Complete paralysis
IV. Language
Please select
Some difficulty in conversation, needs to use facial expressions or gestures; or fluent but hard to understand, many errors
Can communicate simply, but difficult to repeat, language is circuitous, has naming difficulties
V. Upper Limb Muscle Strength
Please select
Upper Limb Muscle Strength
Ⅴ Normal
Ⅳ Cannot resist external force
Ⅲ Raise arm above shoulder
Ⅲ Shoulder level or below
Ⅱ Arm-trunk angle > 45°
Ⅰ Arm-trunk angle ≤ 45°
VI. Hand Muscle Strength
Please select
Hand Muscle Strength
Ⅴ Normal
Ⅳ Cannot make a tight fist
Ⅲ Make an empty fist, can open
Ⅲ Can flex fingers, cannot extend
Ⅱ Can flex fingers, cannot make a fist
Ⅰ Slight finger movement
VII. Lower Limb Muscle Strength
Please select
Lower Limb Muscle Strength
Ⅴ Normal
Ⅳ Cannot resist external force
Ⅲ Raise leg above 45°, ankle or toes can move
Ⅲ Raise leg around 45°, ankle or toes cannot move
Ⅱ Raise leg less than 45° off the bed
Ⅰ Horizontal movement, cannot lift
VIII. Walking Ability
Please select
Walking Ability
Normal walking
Independent walking over 5m, limping
Independent walking, needs a cane
Can walk with support from others
Can stand alone, cannot walk
Can sit without support, but cannot stand

Result Interpretation

0-15 points: Mild neurological function deficit;

16-30 points: Moderate neurological function deficit;

31-45 points: Severe neurological function deficit.