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Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Score

Number of Tender Joints
Number of Swollen Joints
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Visual Analog Scale Score

Calculation Formula

DAS28 = 0.56*SQRT(T28) + 0.28*SQRT(SW28)+ 0.70*Ln(ESR)+0.014*VAS


The 28 refers to the total number of joints assessed, including both shoulder joints (2), both elbow joints (2), both wrist joints (2), both metacarpophalangeal joints (10), both proximal interphalangeal joints (10), and both knee joints (2);

The tenderness examination should consider tenderness within the range of motion of each joint; swelling examination should observe from multiple angles from the front, back, and sides; skin temperature examination can assist in determining whether there is swelling.

VAS indicates the patient's subjective evaluation of pain and discomfort caused by the current disease over the past week, marked on a 0-100mm scale, where 0 means no discomfort and 100 means the most severe discomfort.

Clinical Significance

<2.6: Clinical Remission

2.6-3.2: Low Activity

3.2-5.1: Moderate Activity

>5.1: High Activity
