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Cervical Maturity Score (Bishop Score)

Cervical Dilation (cm)
Cervical Effacement (%) (Not effaced is 2~3cm)
Fetal Station (Ischial Spines = 0)
Cervical Consistency
Cervical Position

Result Interpretation

A score ≤4 indicates an immature cervix, requiring cervical ripening. A score ≥7 indicates a mature cervix.


The Bishop score is used internationally to assess cervical maturity and estimate the success rate of induction of labor. The higher the score, the more mature the cervix, and the higher the success rate of induction.

A score of 0-3 indicates a low likelihood of successful induction, 4-6 indicates a 50% success rate, 7-8 indicates an 80% success rate, and a score ≥8 indicates a success rate similar to spontaneous vaginal delivery.
