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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Staging (POP-Q Staging)

Stage Description
0 No prolapse, Aa, Ap, Ba, Bp are all at -3cm, C, D points are between total vaginal length and total vaginal length -2cm, i.e., C or D point quantification value < [TVL-2]cm
I The most distal part of the prolapse is >1cm above the hymen, i.e., quantification value < -1cm
II The most distal part of the prolapse is <1cm above the hymen, i.e., quantification value > -1cm but < +1cm
III The most distal part of the prolapse is >1cm beyond the hymen but < total vaginal length -2cm, i.e., quantification value > +1 cm but < [TVL-2]cm
IV The lower genital tract is completely everted, the most distal part of the prolapse, i.e., cervix or vaginal stump, is beyond total vaginal length -2cm, i.e., quantification value > [TVL-2]cm


POP-Q staging should be calculated at the most distal part of the prolapse when fully presented during a Valsalva maneuver. Each individual should be quantified using a 3×3 table before staging. To compensate for vaginal elasticity and inherent measurement errors, a 2cm error is allowed in TVL values in stages 0 and IV.
