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Grading of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD)

Grade Skin (Rash) Liver (Bilirubin) Gastrointestinal (Diarrhea)
0 No rash <34μmol/L(<2.0mg/dL) No diarrhea (or <500ml/d)
+ Maculopapular rash <25% body surface area 34-50μmol/L(2.0-3.0mg/dL) Diarrhea 500~1000ml/d
++ Maculopapular rash 25-50% body surface area 51-102μmol/L(3.1-6.0mg/dL) Diarrhea 1000~1500ml/d
+++ Extensive skin lesions 103-255μmol/L(6.1-13.2mg/dL) Diarrhea >1500ml/d
++++ Exfoliative dermatitis with blistering >255μmol/L(>13.2mg/dL) Severe abdominal pain with or without intestinal obstruction, bloody stools
Total GVHD Grade Skin Liver Gastrointestinal General Condition
+~++ 0 0 Normal
+~+++ + + Mild decline
++~+++ ++~+++ ++~+++ Moderate decline
++~++++ ++~++++ ++~++++ Severe decline


Grade I is mild GVHD, Grade II is moderate GVHD, and Grades III-IV are severe GVHD, which are significantly related to mortality.

The Glucksberg grading system and the IBMTR grading system for acute GVHD have their own advantages in assessing prognosis.
