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Ventilator Weaning Respiratory Parameters Standards

Category Respiratory Parameters Weaning Standards
Ventilation Needs Spontaneous Frequency (breaths/min) <25~35
Minute Ventilation (VE) (L/min) <10
Compliance (static) (ml/cmH2O) >25~30
Dead Space/Tidal Volume <0.4
Ventilation Capacity pH Normal
PaCO2 Normal
Tidal Volume (VT) (ml/kg) >5
Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (mmHg) <-30
Oxygenation Index PaO2 (FiO2≤0.4) (mmHg) >60
QS/QT (%) <20
PEEP (cmH2O) <5
P(A-a)DO2 (FiO2=1) (mmHg) <350


The clinical conditions before ventilator weaning should include: the cause of respiratory failure has been basically corrected, circulatory function is stable, infection is controlled, consciousness is clear or has returned to the state before mechanical ventilation, spontaneous breathing is stable, breathing movements are strong, and there are sufficient swallowing and coughing reflexes to ensure that sputum clearance is not affected after weaning and extubation.
