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Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Scale

Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Dressing and Undressing Lower Body
Please select
Dressing and Undressing Lower Body
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Sphincter Control
Urinary Management
Please select
Urinary Management
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Bowel Management
Please select
Bowel Management
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Bed, Chair, Wheelchair Transfers
Please select
Bed, Chair, Wheelchair Transfers
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Walking/Wheelchair or Both
Please select
Walking/Wheelchair or Both
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Going Up/Down Stairs
Please select
Going Up/Down Stairs
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Total Score for Mobility:
Understanding (Visual, Auditory, or Both)
Please select
Understanding (Visual, Auditory, or Both)
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Expression (Visual, Auditory, or Both)
Please select
Expression (Visual, Auditory, or Both)
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Social Cognition
Social Interaction
Please select
Social Interaction
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Problem Solving
Please select
Problem Solving
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Please select
Please select
Completely independent
Conditionally independent
Supervised or assisted
Minimal contact assistance
Moderate assistance
Maximum assistance
Completely dependent
Total Score of Cognitive Items:
Total FIM Score:

Result Interpretation

The FIM score is divided into 7 levels, with levels 6 and 7 being independent, and levels 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 indicating varying degrees of dependence:

Independent: No assistance needed during activities

7 points -- Completely Independent: Can safely complete all required actions within a reasonable time without any tools or assistance.

6 points -- Conditionally Independent: Completing actions requires one or more of the following conditions: help from general tools; extra time needed to complete actions; consideration of safety factors while completing tasks.

Dependent: Requires supervision or assistance to complete actions.

5 points -- Supervised or Assisted: Needs assistance from others for guidance, prompts, persuasion, or help with preparation for the assessed activities, or help using orthotic devices or tools, but does not require physical contact. For example: cutting food for the patient, spreading jam on bread, opening container lids, preparing water and towels for washing up, etc.

4 points -- Minimal Contact Assistance: The patient exerts over 75% of total effort, needing only minimal physical contact assistance from others.

3 points -- Moderate Assistance: The patient exerts 50% to 75% of total effort, requiring significant direct assistance from others.

Completely Dependent: The patient exerts less than 50% of total effort and requires maximum or complete assistance to complete activities.

Divided by levels of assistance:

2 points -- Maximum Assistance: The patient exerts less than half of the total effort but more than 25%.

1 point -- Complete Assistance: The patient exerts less than 25% of their own effort.

Total score is 126 points, with a minimum of 18 points.

126 points              Completely Independent

108–125 points    Basically Independent

90–107 points      Conditionally Independent

72–89 points        Mild Dependence

54–71 points        Moderate Dependence

36–53 points        Severe Dependence

19–35 points        Extremely Severe Dependence

18 points                Completely Dependent

FIM, Functional Independence Measure
