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General Anesthesia Effect Evaluation Criteria

Grade Criteria
Grade I 1. Smooth induction of anesthesia with no agitation, coughing, or hemodynamic changes. Intubation is successful without injury.

2. Adequate depth of anesthesia maintenance, with no significant emergency responses or respiratory and circulatory suppression. Good muscle relaxation provides favorable conditions for surgery.

3. Smooth emergence from anesthesia, with no premature or delayed awakening. Normal monitoring of respiration and circulation, good recovery of muscle relaxation, appropriate extubation, and no adverse reactions.

4. No complications.
Grade II 1. Slight coughing and hemodynamic changes during induction of anesthesia.

2. Inadequate control of anesthesia depth during maintenance, leading to hemodynamic changes. Muscle relaxation is acceptable, but cooperation with surgery is suboptimal.

3. Slight agitation during suturing at the end of anesthesia, with somewhat unstable blood pressure and respiration.

4. Mild complications that are difficult to prevent.
Grade III 1. Unstable induction of anesthesia with coughing, agitation, and unstable hemodynamics. Strong stress response.

2. Inadequate control of anesthesia depth during maintenance, resulting in intense stress responses, respiratory and circulatory suppression or instability, poor muscle relaxation, and only minimal cooperation with surgery.

3. Prolonged awakening with respiratory suppression or agitation and coughing during suturing. Forced extubation is necessary, and respiratory recovery after extubation is poor.

4. Severe complications.