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Thyroid Goiter Grading

Grade Description
I Degree No visible abnormality, but the thyroid can be palpated
II Degree Visible abnormality, thyroid goiter not exceeding the outer edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 
III Degree Thyroid goiter exceeding the outer edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle


Thyroid goiter refers to the non-inflammatory, non-neoplastic hyperplasia and enlargement of thyroid epithelial cells, divided into non-toxic goiter and toxic goiter;

The former can be further divided into: ① Diffuse type: thyroid enlargement without nodules; ② Nodular type: one or more nodules in the thyroid; ③ Mixed type: thyroid enlargement with nodules; the latter includes toxic nodular goiter and diffuse toxic goiter.
