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Rockall Score for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Please select
<60 years
60-79 years
≥80 years
Shock Status
Please select
Shock Status
No shock (systolic BP >100mmHg, heart rate <100bpm)
Tachycardia (systolic BP >100mmHg, heart rate >100bpm)
Hypotension (systolic BP <100mmHg)
Please select
Heart failure, coronary artery disease, and other severe comorbidities
Liver/kidney failure and disseminated malignancy
Endoscopic Diagnosis
Please select
Endoscopic Diagnosis
Mallory-Weiss syndrome or no lesion and no signs of bleeding
Ulcers and other lesions
Liver/upper gastrointestinal malignancy
Stigmata of Recent Hemorrhage
Please select
Stigmata of Recent Hemorrhage
None or dark spots only
Upper gastrointestinal blood retention, adherent clots, visible vessels, or active bleeding

Interpretation of Results

The Rockall score can be divided into a preliminary score before endoscopy and a complete score after endoscopy. Different scores correspond to different mortality risks, as shown below:

Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-11
Mortality risk before endoscopy (%) 0.2 2.4 5.6 11.0 24.6 39.6 48.9 50.0
Mortality risk after endoscopy (%) 0 0 0.2 2.9 5.3 10.8 17.3 27.0 41.1


The Rockall scoring system is still widely used in clinical practice to assess the risk of rebleeding and mortality in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding, especially for its reliability in evaluating mortality risk.
