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Comfort Pain Score

Please select
Deep sleep
Light sleep
Fully awake and alert
Highly alert
Calm or Agitated
Please select
Calm or Agitated
Mildly anxious
Very anxious
Respiratory Response
Please select
Respiratory Response
No cough or no spontaneous breathing
Slight spontaneous breathing or no response to mechanical ventilation
Occasional cough or breathing against ventilator
Active breathing against ventilator, frequent cough
Severe breathing against ventilator, cough/gasping
Body Movement
Please select
Body Movement
No movement
Occasional slight movement
Frequent slight movement
Vigorous movement of limbs
Vigorous movement of trunk and head
Blood Pressure
Please select
Blood Pressure
Below baseline
Always at baseline
Occasionally elevated by more than 15% (1-3 times during observation)
Frequently elevated by more than 15% (>3 times)
Continuously elevated by more than 15%
Heart Rate
Please select
Heart Rate
Below baseline
Always at baseline
Occasionally elevated by more than 15% (1-3 times during observation)
Frequently elevated by more than 15% (>3 times)
Continuously elevated by more than 15%
Muscle Tone
Please select
Muscle Tone
Muscles completely relaxed, no tone
Reduced muscle tone
Normal muscle tone
Increased muscle tone, fingers and toes flexed
Extremely stiff muscles, fingers and toes flexed
Facial Tension
Please select
Facial Tension
Facial muscles completely relaxed
Normal facial muscle tone, no tension
Increased tension in some facial muscles
Increased tension in all facial muscles
Facial grimacing, expression of pain

Result Interpretation

The Comfort score is mainly used for observing ICU patients from newborns to 17 years old, as well as for pain assessment in postoperative patients from newborns to 3 years old.

The Comfort score includes 8 items, each scored from 1 to 5 points, with a total score of 40 points. Sedation levels are divided into 3 grades: 8-16 points for deep sedation; 17-26 points for mild sedation; 27-40 points for insufficient sedation or agitation. Among them, a Comfort score of 17-26 points indicates mild sedation.
