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Common Left Ventricular Function Parameters

Parameter Formula Reference Normal Value
Ventricular Diameter End-Diastolic Diameter (EDD)
End-Systolic Diameter (ESD) 45-55 mm
End-Fast Filling Diameter (SFD) 25-37 mm
End-Slow Filling Diameter (RFD)
Diameter Change △D = EDD - ESD 15-20 mm
Fractional Shortening FS = △D/EDD × 100% 30.7% ± 0.54%
Ventricular Volume V = D3 End-Diastolic Volume (EDV)
Or = D3 × 7
(2.4 + D)
,End-Systolic Volume (ESV)
End-Fast Filling Volume (RFDV)
End-Slow Filling Volume (SFDV)
100-125 ml 30-40 ml
Stroke Volume SV = EDV - ESD 89 ± 16 ml
Cardiac Output CO = (SV × HR)/100 Heart Rate (HR) 4-6 L/min
Cardiac Index CI = CO/BSA (Body Surface Area) 2.6-4 L/min/m2
Ejection Fraction EF = (SV/EDV) × 100% 70% ± 7%
Fast Filling Volume RFV = RFDV - ESV
Fast Filling Fraction RFF = (RFV/SV) × 100% 65% ± 17%
Fast Filling Rate RFR = RFV/e-f (Fast Filling Time) 476 ± 146 ml/s
Slow Filling Volume SFF = (SFV/SV) × 100% 14% ± 11%
Ventricular A-Wave Rate VAW% = [(EDD - SFD)/SFD] × 100 4% ± 2.4%
Left Ventricular Ejection Time LVET = A-A Aortic Valve Opening Point A Aortic Valve Closing Point A 296 ± 19 ms
Pre-Ejection Period (Synchronized with ECG) PEP = Q-A 91 ± 5 ms
Pre-Ejection Period/Ejection Time PEP/LVET < 0.36
Isovolumic Contraction Time (Synchronized with ECG) ICT = PEP - (Q-M) Mitral Valve Closing Point M 70 ± 9 ms
Isovolumic Relaxation Time (Synchronized with Phonocardiogram) IRT = Second Heart Sound Aortic Valve High-Frequency Component to Mitral Valve Opening Point D 90 ± 10 ms
Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Pressure (Synchronized with ECG and Phonocardiogram) LVEDP = 21.6 × (QC/AE) + 1.1 QC, QRS Onset to Mitral Valve C Point Time AE, Second Heart Sound Aortic Valve High-Frequency Component to Mitral Valve Peak Time 10.9 ± 1.3 mmHg
Left Ventricular Muscle Mass M = 1.05 × [(EDD + SWT + PWT) - EDV] Septal Wall Thickness (SWT), Posterior Wall Thickness (PWT)
Left Ventricular Muscle Mass Index M/BSA 99.21 ± 21.78 g/m2
Body Surface Area BSA = (0.0061 × H + 0.0128 × W) - 0.1529 Height (H) in cm, Weight (W) in kg