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Post-Anesthesia Discharge Scoring System (PADS)

Vital Signs
Please Select
Vital Signs
Within 20% of preoperative value
Fluctuates 20% to 40% of preoperative value
Fluctuates more than 40% of preoperative value
Activity Status
Please Select
Activity Status
Steady gait without dizziness, or at preoperative level
Needs assistance to walk
Unable to walk
Nausea and Vomiting
Please Select
Nausea and Vomiting
Mild: No treatment needed
Moderate: Effective with medication
Severe: Ineffective treatment
Please Select
VAS 0-3, mild or no pain before discharge
VAS 4-6, moderate pain
VAS 7-10, severe pain
Surgical Site Bleeding
Please Select
Surgical Site Bleeding
Mild: No dressing change needed
Moderate: Up to 2 dressing changes, no continued bleeding
Severe: More than 3 dressing changes, continued bleeding

Result Interpretation

The total score is 10 points, and a score of ≥9 points is required for discharge.
