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Psoriasis Static Physician Global Assessment (PGA)

Use the static PGA to determine the overall damage of psoriasis at a given time point. Assess the overall damage of infiltration, erythema, and scaling according to the following scale.
Infiltration (I) (Average Overall Damage)
Please select
Infiltration (I) (Average Overall Damage)
No evidence of plaque elevation
Plaque slightly raised = 0.25 mm
Plaque mildly raised, = 0.5 mm
Plaque moderately raised, = 0.75 mm
Plaque significantly raised, = 1 mm
Plaque severely raised, = 1.25 mm or more
Erythema (E) (Average Overall Damage)
Please select
Erythema (E) (Average Overall Damage)
No visible erythema, possible pigmentation
Faint erythema
Light red color
Moderate red color
Bright red color
Dark red to deep red color
Scaling (S) (Average Overall Damage)
Please select
Scaling (S) (Average Overall Damage)
No visible scaling
Very mild; occasional fine scales on less than 5% of lesions
Mild, mainly fine scales
Moderate, mainly coarse scales
Significant, mainly non-adherent thick scales
Severe, mainly adherent very thick scales
PGI Score: