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Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI)

Please select (0-10) to indicate your activity level over the past week. 0 = easily done; 10 = impossible to do, with other scores between 0-10. Choose the option that best describes your situation. (Note: Tools refer to devices that assist you in performing an action or activity)
1. Putting on socks or tights without help from others or using tools
2. Bending down to pick up a pen from the floor without using tools
3. Reaching up to a high shelf without help from others or using tools
4. Standing up from an armless chair without using hands or other support
5. Standing up from the floor without help from others
6. Standing for 10 minutes without support
7. Climbing 12-15 stairs (one step at a time) without holding the handrail or using a walking aid
8. Looking at your shoulder without turning around
9. Engaging in physical activities such as exercise, walking, or other sports
10. Completing a full day of activities, whether household chores or work