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World Parkinson's Disease Society New MDS-UPDRS Comprehensive Assessment Scale - Patient Self-Assessment Section


● This questionnaire will ask you some questions about your daily life. This questionnaire contains a total of 20 questions. To be as thorough as possible, the questionnaire may include some questions that you currently or up until now have not experienced. If you do not have these problems, please select "0" to indicate that there are no problems.

● Please read each question carefully and select the answer that best suits you after reading all the options. What we want to know is your average or general functional status over the past week, including today. Although you may be more active at certain times of the day than at others, each question can only have one answer. Therefore, please select the answer that best describes your condition most of the time.

● In addition to Parkinson's disease, you may have other diseases. However, you do not need to distinguish between the symptoms caused by Parkinson's disease and those caused by other diseases.

● Please select the answer that suits you best, and do not leave any options blank.

● Your doctor or nurse can review these questions with you, but this questionnaire must be completed by the patient themselves or together with their caregiver.

Important Note: This questionnaire is only the self-assessment section for the patient and is not the complete MDS-UPDRS scoring. After completing this questionnaire, please show the score (screenshot) to your doctor during your appointment to assist the doctor in completing the entire MDS-UPDRS scoring.

Patient Name
Part I: Non-Motor Symptoms in Daily Life (nM-EDL)
1.7 Sleep Problems

During the past week, did you have difficulty falling asleep at night or difficulty maintaining continuous sleep throughout the night? How did you feel upon waking up in the morning?

1.8 Daytime Sleepiness

During the past week, did you have difficulty staying awake during the day?

1.9 Pain and Other Sensations

In the past week, have you felt any physical discomfort, such as pain, tingling, or cramping?

1.10 Urination Problems

In the past week, have you had difficulty controlling urination? For example, urgency, frequency, or incontinence?

1.11 Constipation Problems

In the past week, have you had constipation that has caused difficulty in bowel movements?

1.12 Dizziness When Standing

In the past week, have you felt dizzy or lightheaded when standing up from a sitting or lying position?

1.13 Other Health Issues

In the past week, have you experienced any other health problems or concerns?

Part Two: Movement Symptoms in Daily Life (M-EDL)
2.1 Speech

In the past week, have you had any problems with speaking?

2.2 Saliva and Drooling

In the past week, have you usually experienced excessive saliva while awake or sleeping?

2.3 Chewing and Swallowing

In the past week, have you usually had problems taking pills or eating? Do you need to crush or grind medications, or prepare food as soft, chopped, or blended to eat without choking?

2.4 Eating

In the past week, have you usually had difficulties with eating and using utensils? For example, do you have trouble picking up food with your hands or using a knife, fork, spoon, or chopsticks?

2.5 Dressing

In the past week, have you usually had difficulties dressing? For example, do you dress slowly or need help with buttons, zippers, or putting on/taking off clothes or jewelry?

2.6 Personal Hygiene

In the past week, have you often felt slow or needed help with personal hygiene tasks such as washing, bathing, shaving, brushing teeth, or combing hair?

2.7 Writing

In the past week, have others often found your handwriting difficult to read?

2.8 Hobbies and Other Activities

In the past week, have you usually had difficulty doing things you enjoy or hobbies?

2.9 Turning in Bed

In the past week, have you often had difficulty turning over in bed?

2.10 Tremors

In the past week, have you often experienced shaking or tremors?

2.11 Getting Up, Getting Out, or Standing Up from a Low Chair

In the past week, have you often felt difficulty getting up, getting out, or standing up from a low chair?

2.12 Walking and Balance

In the past week, have you often had difficulties walking and maintaining balance?

2.13 Freezing

In the past week, have you experienced a sudden freezing or feeling as if your feet are stuck to the ground while walking?

Patient Name:
Part I【Non-Motor Symptom Patient Questionnaire (1.7~1.13)】Total Score 0 points

Part II【Motor Symptoms in Daily Life (M-EDL)】Total Score 0 points

Tip: Please take a screenshot of the results and tell your doctor about these results.

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